boto v2.29.0 ============ :date: 2014/05/29 This release adds support for the AWS shared credentials file, adds support for Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) encryption, and contains a handful of fixes for Amazon EC2, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). It also includes fixes for Python wheel support. A bug has been fixed such that a new exception is thrown when a profile name is explicitly passed either via code (``profile="foo"``) or an environment variable (``AWS_PROFILE=foo``) and that profile does not exist in any configuration file. Previously this was silently ignored, and the default credentials would be used without informing the user. Changes ------- * Added support for shared credentials file. (:issue:`2292`, :sha:`d5ed49f`) * Added support for EBS encryption. (:issue:`2282`, :sha:`d85a449`) * Added GovCloud CloudFormation endpoint. (:issue:`2297`, :sha:`0f75fb9`) * Added new CloudTrail endpoints to endpoints.json. (:issue:`2269`, :sha:`1168580`) * Added 'name' param to documentation of ELB LoadBalancer. (:issue:`2291`, :sha:`86e1174`) * Fix typo in ELB docs. (:issue:`2294`, :sha:`37aaa0f`) * Fix typo in ELB tutorial. (:issue:`2290`, :sha:`40a758a`) * Fix OpsWorks ``connect_to_region`` exception. (:issue:`2288`, :sha:`26729c7`) * Fix timezones in CloudWatch date range example. (:issue:`2285`, :sha:`138a6d0`) * Fix description of param tags into ``rds2.create_db_subnet_group``. (:issue:`2279`, :sha:`dc1037f`) * Fix the incorrect name of a test case. (:issue:`2273`, :sha:`ee195a1`) * Fix "consistent" argument to ``boto.dynamodb2.table.Table.batch_get``. (:issue:`2272`, :sha:`c432b09`) * Update the wheel to be python 2 compatible only. (:issue:`2286`, :sha:`6ad0b75`) * is no longer a package index. (:issue:`2289`, :sha:`7f23de0`)