boto v2.9.9 =========== :date: 2013/07/24 This release updates Opsworks to add AMI & Chef 11 support, DBSubnetGroup support in RDS & many other bugfixes. Features -------- * Added AMI, configuration manager & Chef 11 support to Opsworks. (:sha:`55725fc`). * Added ``in`` support for SQS messages. (:issue:`1593`, :sha:`e5fe1ed`) * Added support for the ``ap-southeast-2`` region in Elasticache. (:issue:`1607`, :sha:`9986b61`) * Added support for block device mappings in ELB. (:issue:`1343`, :issue:`753`, :issue:`1357`, :sha:`974a23a`) * Added support for DBSubnetGroup in RDS. (:issue:`1500`, :sha:`01eef87`, :sha:`45c60a0`, :sha:`c4c859e`) Bugfixes -------- * Fixed the canonicalization of paths on Windows. (:issue:`1609`, :sha:`a1fa98c`) * Fixed how ``BotoServerException`` uses ``message``. (:issue:`1353`, :sha:`b944f4b`) * Fixed ``DisableRollback`` always being ``True`` in a CloudFormation ``Stack``. (:issue:`1379`, :sha:`32b3150`) * Changed EMR instance groups to no longer require a string price (can now be a ``Decimal``). (:issue:`1396`, :sha:`dfc39ff`) * Altered ``Distribution._sign_string`` to accept any file-like object as well within CloudFront. (:issue:`1349`, :sha:`8df6c14`) * Fixed the ``detach_lb_from_subnets`` call within ELB. (:issue:`1417`, :issue:`1418` :sha:`4a397bd`, :sha:`c11d72b`, :sha:`9e595b5`, :sha:`634469d`, :sha:`586dd54`) * Altered boto to obey ``no_proxy`` environment variables. (:issue:`1600`, :issue:`1603`, :sha:`aaef5a9`) * Fixed ELB connections to use HTTPS by default. (:issue:`1587`, :sha:`fe158c4`) * Updated S3 to be Python 2.5 compatible again. (:issue:`1598`, :sha:`066009f`) * All calls within SES will now return *all* DKIMTokens, instead of just one. (:issue:`1550`, :issue:`1610`, :sha:`1a079da`, :sha:`1e82f85`, :sha:`5c8b6b8`) * Fixed the ``logging`` parameter within ``DistributionConfig`` in CloudFront to respect whatever is provided to the constructor. (:issue:`1457`, :sha:`e76180d`) * Fixed CloudSearch to no longer raise an error if a non-JSON response is received. (:issue:`1555`, :issue:`1614`, :sha:`5e2c292`, :sha:`6510e1f`)